It’s popular today to do things that you are passionate about doing.
Merriam-Webster defines passion this way:
passion (noun): a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept
“Finding your passion” has become the early 21st century’s charge to humanity. Only after the discovery of our passion(s) can we best allocate our time and energy to the activities that bring us a sense of fulfillment.
Today’s passion pursuit is the new herd. While there is truth to searching inside yourself to discover what you enjoy in life, it’s important not to confuse what you enjoy with what you’re good at doing. This is a topic for another time.
What I’ve been thinking much about lately is risk.
Merriam-Webster defines it this way:
risk (noun): the chance that an investment will lose value; possibility of loss
Risk is more than passion. A person can be passionate about what they do and never take a risk. Some may argue that risk taking requires passion, but I think there’s much more to it than that. Take a look around and you’ll see that risk is what separates one from the herd; for better or for worse.
Risk has a variety of degrees, dimensions and applications. It can be engaged by way of analysis, belief and luck. Viewing the world through the spectrum of risk will definitely change your perspective on things.
Risk has been on my mind lately, in part because we get to work with business owners who all play this game of risk. They all took a risk starting the company they own today and have taken many risks since to keep it going. I’ve learned that it’s impossible for anyone to fully appreciate:
- The risks these individuals took to start and build the companies that employ people and support communities;
- how this risk taking has allowed women and men the opportunity to provide for their families;
- the risk of personal assets they put on the line to make investments they believe will reward their business and stakeholders now and in the years to come;
- the many sleepless nights and tough decisions business owners made today and will make tomorrow to keep their company alive and moving forward.
It’s a remarkable thing to witness and a sincere privilege to take part in. Working with business owners has taught me that risk is more than passion.